Red Dead Redemption 2 – LP 10 (SSG)

There is a kernel of a great game here, but ultimately too much filler and not enough of the final couple chapters. A beautiful game filled with possibilities, but ultimately a disappointment.

This game was originally done by me under my Second String General channel. It has been reloaded up here to my new channel as part of the archive. No modifications have been done to the video.


Original Air Date: January 2019 to June 2019


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Author: AGirlUShouldKnow

A middle-aged transgender gamer woman who grew up so poor it was only po. Who works in a white-collar job, graduating late in life. The most important part is I am married 30+ years to a wonderful husband and I have a pretty cool one-eyed cat named Tally the Pirate Queen (or Bitchy Princess depending on her day).

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